Maybe You Just Need a Wiggle
Tom Morrison One of most surprising things I deal with is the fact that people WANT a diagnosis. They want to be told that they have Scapular Dyskinesis, that their Scapulothoracic Glenohumeral Rhythm is presenting as abnormal and that they need 16 weeks of diaphragmatic breathing correctives, pectoralis minor trigger point release and serratus anterior […]
Fixing vs. Understanding
Brendan Lea
Changing Others
Brendan Lea Hello, I have received feedback that I am trying to change others. From my perspective I am trying to help, motivate and inspire. However, after receiving this feedback from a couple of people (one being my partner), I am beginning to think that I may have a blind spot. What is the […]
Fixing a Broken Heart
Jim Freda “New images surround us everywhere. They are invisible only because of sterile routine convention and fear.” –Lisette Model (Installation at SF MOMA) Fixing a broken heart. Does this sound reasonable? I hope it is. If your heart has been deeply broken, doesn’t it help to be able to admit it and directly […]