Relaxed, Unanxious Breathing

Craig Mallett Releasing Control and Attention to Structure 2. How One Might Do This: Craig can be found at and contacted direct at He is currently/indefinitely available for the following services: Online Training, Online Courses, Healing, Consultation
Even When You Don’t Think You’re Helping

Dare Carrasquillo Breathwork to bring you back to baseline (at a moment’s notice). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dare Carrasquillo (@darecarrasquillo)
The 3-Phase Repatterning Stretching Cycle

Dave Wardman The last essay served as an introduction to the art of repatterning stretching: its lore, heuristics, principles, aphorisms, and more. It was largely theorum. This second essay in a series of ‘class essays’ [essays designed to aid people dive into the repatterning stretching more fluidly] is more of the ‘applied theorum’ flavour. […]
Getting Rid of Chronic Back Pain

Tom Morrison Chronic lower back pain is no joke. Yes, it’s physically painful but the mental aspects aren’t talked about enough. No one wants to live their life with a pain that makes everyday tasks feel harder than they should be… it’s exhausting. People who haven’t experienced prolonged periods of pain can’t understand just […]
Desk Sitter Series

Gary Stockdale
Stages & Breathing Forms

Jason Round View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jason Round (@movemoremp) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jason Round (@movemoremp) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jason Round (@movemoremp) View this post on Instagram […]
Hanging Contexts & Culturing

Jason Round
Freeing Up A Compressed Nerve

Nikki Miller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links)
Breathwork & Posture

Gary Stockdale
The Musicality of Being

Seth Dellinger Space, ground, breath & sound Resonance Musicality Is there a formula for feeling connected – to yourself, to other people, and your world? No, not exactly. But there are certain signals that show up consistently in your experience that you can learn to recognize and put to wise use within all the wide variety of […]
Animist Primer: Sun Breathing

Dare Sohei
Breath, Energy, & Upheaval

Craig Mallett Breathing is a big topic in the Da Xuan tradition. When we look at the view that the tradition takes of the human being, we see it split into thirds. One third is the physical aspect (Jing), which is all about the cultivation of the body. As the body is material and […]
A Practical Exploration of Pain and Healing

Jenn Pilotti I was doing Russian dancers recently, a move I have always struggled with (for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Russian dancer is a one armed backbend that dynamically switches to the other arm by shifting your weight forward to your feet). I learned that if […]
A Session with Zeynep (Magic Breathing)

Zeynep Seyran PT Zeynep Seyran helps Chris cure her incontinence with ‘vertical breathing’.
Rooting & Grasping

Andre Miller View this post on Instagram There are no superfluous modalities to the #rootsfitness training program or philosophical core. There are no fancy party tricks or even bodily aesthetic aims, if any of those sorts of things develop they are purely byproducts of a process geared towards restoring integrity to the […]
Breathing: The Interface Between Thoughts & Emotions

Fanny Tulloch If you had an effective tool, which you could use to centre yourself, stay present and keep attention on the important things in life whenever stress and overwhelm hits, would that be helpful for you? In this article I’m going to take you on a journey starting with how I discovered that […]
Suck-in and Extension

Austin Einhorn View this post on Instagram Gabo’s progress—After watching him play, it became more evident he has a hard time getting segmental movement throughout his spine when his limbs move away from his center (arms going overhead and legs straightening). Instead, he move predominantly at one location, his low back and […]
Assessing Breathing

Jeremy Fein The third test is Patrick McKeown’s BOLT score (Body Oxygen Level Test), adapted from Buteyko’s ‘Control Pause’ carbon dioxide measure. According to McKeown, it “should be” in the 40s. Most people, even elite athletes tend to be around 20s. Below 20s, he says people will have some sort of breathing-related symptoms. […]
Grasping Shoulders

Andre Miller View this post on Instagram I was very excited to see I received a letter from a reader the other day; “Dear Rootsfitness, I’ve noticed you’ve got really nice shoulda shubs. I have been working really hard and would really like to improve my shoulda shubs, any tips?” Dear Reader, […]
Psoas Patterns

Chandler Stevens The poor psoas. It’s so misunderstood. This part of the body is responsible for so much of your day-to-day function that it often gets the blame when things go wrong. It’s no wonder. Functions associated with the psoas include: Upright posture Breathing Walking You know, insignificant things like that. And yet people […]