Co-Lab 2024: Allowance & Adaptation

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Co-Lab 2024: Allowance & Adaptation

Chris Ruffolo


The original purpose of this group was to find others like me.  Teachers who were also learners, building an online library of courses they had taken and perspectives of value they were willing to give away.  The goal was to share information, granting access to anyone with an internet connection.   What I found, though, particularly through our first in-person gathering, was that actual connection, in real time, in a shared place, was what a collective really exists for.

I remember when two non-members walked down from Andre’s house as we were preparing dinner that first night.  I watched them, defensively, trying to protect the covenant of those that came to come to try an know one another.  Though I hate to admit it, I was not welcoming to them.  I kept searching for a reason to question who they were and why they were there.  Andre had vouched for them but I remained skeptical.  The next day, they appeared at the high school and I realized he had sent them as his proxy.  They sat in and were attentive to our presentations.  During a break, I watched one do a backflip in the corner.  He might have something to teach us, I thought.

These two “strangers” became integral to our mission and message.  They are two of the sweetest, kindest, and brightest people I know.   In trying to play the ‘exclusive’ game we almost missed out on some gems.  What people want more than access to information is access to accepting people.


This was the exchange that made me realize the true intent of thinkmovement — folding new people in.


In each and every Co-Lab since, we’ve welcomed in 3-4 new people each.  Some have decided to ‘officially’ join up with us, and some haven’t.  A point of emphasis is non-exclusion; for those in the group who are in a non-contribution phase, and those not in the group who are interested in interacting with us.  It is the new blood and new eyes that invigorates.  Energy joins with curiosity to compound interest.  The reward is mutual because the investment was mutual:  We believed something good would happen if we just showed up.  It did, exceeding any expectation either had.

I believe this is what some call synergy.

The people are the resource.  Give them the time and space and attention to be seen and heard, and we grow a garden of ourselves.  Wonderfully and magically, it also tends to itself.  Some grow robust while some fade out.  The social experiment continues.

My ‘presentation’ this year bet on the fact that if you get the right people together, give them a small direction, and turn them loose, the outcome based on them would be better than anything based on you.

I witnessed the single greatest PE class in the history of PE classes.  A band of neurodivergent X-Men came together to play:

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There was no need to ‘prepare’, no need to lay out ground rules, just here’s some stuff, here’s a person, go.  These folks in there 30s through 60s were literal kids again.  They created and interacted with joy.  In case you missed it, below depicts my perma-face watching everything happen:

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Leading, I think, is recognizing what you’ve got, creating conditions for them to thrive, and getting out the way.  It’s bringing together instead of pulling apart.  It is noticing and adapting to them.  Our next official Co-Lab will happen in 2028 (tying it to Olympic years).  Until then, who knows what might pop up.




All group announcements, events, and group recordings are housed in the Care Culture section of this site.  There are sign up/ interest buttons posted everywhere.  Other than a potential facebook post, we don’t advertise.  If you wish to interact with a group of supportive humans, feel free to reach out directly here.  Wherever you roam or find home, may you have those others that make it so much better than going at it alone.


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