Recognizing the current state is the first step to changing it. What I try to improve through my work – you can learn in this short text.
The immobilized body
Have you seen what a leg looks like when it stops bearing weight for just 2 weeks due to surgery? Or what does the arm look like after the cast is removed? The musculature atrophies, the blood supply decreases, the skin loses elasticity, even the smell of the body changes… In immobilization, the tissues lose their life.
Too much reduced activity = reduced abilities
The body is a living system, which means that it is maintained, renewed and developed through action (Movement). He needs some kind of stimulus – a challenge to himself to reveal or build his abilities. Where do we find something like this in our daily lives? Physical difficulties are absent from the reality of modern man. As a result, we begin to lose valuable qualities. Immobility affects the body like a river that flows slowly and becomes muddy. The opposite is true when movement begins to return to the body – our energy becomes more exuberant and better organized.
It is beyond doubt that physical practice in the form of some kind of training contributes to our better condition. When I organize practice for myself or my clients/students, I ask myself a few questions.
Are we covering the entire body area?
I want us to work with the whole anatomy, leaving no place untouched by movement! Practices are chosen to bring movement back to every part of us – chest, spine, toes and toes – everything must participate and harmonize with each other.
Are we driving internal processes?
Do we improve circulation, respiratory system, lymph? ‘Cardio’ can be both monotonous and cyclical, as well as varied and involving more of the mind and the rest of our senses. Our internal organs are the factory that runs around the clock to keep us functioning. That is why we want to support and stimulate them. Through torso work, through intense exercise, through breathing practices – we have many means to influence!
Are we engaging the mind?
We are not a simple mechanical system that operates with complete predictability. Being able to fully engage our minds in the tasks we have chosen is very important to our long-term success. Some physical qualities are more genetically determined than others, but the ability to use the body can be developed to a very large extent.
Do we update when tasks are due?
Each program produces results for a period of time, after which it wears off. All stages of practice are characterized by the setting of challenging tasks, their gradual assimilation and their replacement by new conditions. Only in this way is freshness, interest and a spark for development always present in us. Therefore, our process is not static and fixed, but ceaseless and changing.
Is there a contrast in our activities?
We do not want to develop some qualities while losing their opposites to the same extent. This is replacement, not growth. The practice is balanced through tasks that develop us in two directions at the same time. For example, muscle tightening (physical training) is balanced with muscle relaxation (body mapping/coordination/somatic). Fast actions (Athletic skill) are balanced with slow movements (water quality, softness). And complex actions are balanced by finding quality in simplicity.
My working process offers an organized development process, with a universal terminology that allows learners to transfer their knowledge and skills beyond the fields of study.
I will be happy to contribute to the improvement of your physical condition and understanding of the body!
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