Preventing Pelvic Floor Leakages (It Ain’t Kegels)

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Preventing Pelvic Floor Leakages (It Ain’t Kegels)

Christine Ruffolo


My previous post got into the shame and embarrassment that prevents many of us from addressing issues with parts connected to sex or excrement.  This one is more objective, looking at anatomy and physics.  When you seek to understand the why, you must take a deeper look at what is.  The steps of ‘how to fix’ align with what one knows about ‘how it functions’.  Being able to give and take direction on ‘what to do’ is a byproduct of what you are able and willing to examine.


When you look at the anatomy, it forms to distinct sides:

Note that it’s the anus that’s in the center.


The differences between male and female tissues is quite stark:

1116 Muscle Of The Perineum
The white (connective tissue) and red (musculature) are almost reversed, particularly around the anus.


Perhaps this is the cause for the fundamental disparity between performance of the sexes.  The structural deviation must at least play a significant role.


Another significant design feature is the ‘U’ shape of much of the musculature, particularly in the group that makes up the levator ani:

Muscles Of The Pelvic Floor
From (adapted from by OpenStax [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons)


This rendition of a male pelvis (two holes) makes it even more apparent:

Superior Pelvis Layout

The ‘U’ suggests that any action to pressurize or ‘cut off the stream’ must be front to back.  “Pull your pubic symphysis toward your coccyx.”  This parallels the very specific (and effective) instructions that Adarian gave me (also the source of these anatomical observations): “Pull back the clitoris.”  Oddly, I knew how to do this (non-manually, but with my brain).  Even more surprising, it worked.  It was not the same as a ‘belly’ suck-in; it was a particular layer, at a particular level.




[Feature Photo by Christoph from Pixabay.]

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