Ever wonder why changing disciplines, practices, exercises, methods, people around us, teachers, circumstances…. in the end we end up with almost the same internal result?
Random hopping between different topics at work is scattered wandering, but not a channeled strategic approach. Figuratively speaking, we drive the same car on different roads – the experience changes due to the setting, but the overall capacity we have remains the same. Sooner or later, all the landscapes begin to look alike and exhaustion, and problems with the car start to appear … And we are left wondering ‘Where did I go wrong? ‘.

The solution is not in the NEXT thing, but in truly looking at HOW we do everything – from the simplest things, to the supposedly ‘complicated’ we are capable of. Far easier words than actions. My sincere opinion is – we are capable of doing the minimum necessary to sustain life, but rarely more than that.
Our practice is a system transformation attempt, not just another environmental shift.. Session after session, day after day, cycle after cycle, these ideas are always in the background.
I believe that each of us should become a teacher of ourselves, but the collective knowledge of the people before us serves as a guide for direction. Ready-made strategies just don’t work optimally for the dynamic system that we are…
Learning is an ACTIVE activity, everything else is a pale copy.
Some Examples: