Andre Miller
View this post on Instagram There are no superfluous modalities to the #rootsfitness training program or philosophical core. There are no fancy party tricks or even bodily aesthetic aims, if any of those sorts of things develop they are purely byproducts of a process geared towards restoring integrity to the individual and the earth as a whole. Everything is done with the sole purpose of providing food for you and caring for the planet so subsequent generations can do the same. How I train, why I train, what I think about and even the jokes I make are dead serious attempts at addressing issues that hold us back from the greater world we know possible. As #GardenGamesIII approaches and my time on social media draws near I reflect on the tremendous fortune I have stumbled upon. I am so blessed to have received answers to the questions I have been a perennial seeker of- what is the nature of the human? What is our role and purpose here on earth, and how best can we fulfill it? Of course the answers I have received will continue to grow up into new questions, but I cannot deny the self evident nature of the truths that have been shown. I have done my best to elucidate these points in my past posts by stating certain irreducible truths about movement, nature and human experience as a whole. Points such as #movingfromthemiddle #rollingfromthehipsandshoulders #breathemoverelax #footbumpsthehandhandpullsthefoot #fullbodybreathing and #movingbreathled are important aspects I have sought to share despite ever present distractions. Today I wish to share the importance of #rooting and how it can be done with any part of the body, not just the feet, as a function of grasping. Grasping the earth and diving deep into the sensation of its gravitational field while simultaneously reaching up to the heavens. It is within this dichotomous action a person can breathe into the infinite space between that expresses polar attributes from a shared and objective core. A plant that reaches too high and may fall unto those surrounding it, but what comes from above spurs, nurtures and feeds growth from below while rooting too deeply without reaching may be in danger of losing its light of inspiration. A post shared by Movement Based Farmer (@rootsfitness_portland) on May 9, 2020 at 1:52pm PDT
There are no superfluous modalities to the #rootsfitness training program or philosophical core. There are no fancy party tricks or even bodily aesthetic aims, if any of those sorts of things develop they are purely byproducts of a process geared towards restoring integrity to the individual and the earth as a whole. Everything is done with the sole purpose of providing food for you and caring for the planet so subsequent generations can do the same. How I train, why I train, what I think about and even the jokes I make are dead serious attempts at addressing issues that hold us back from the greater world we know possible. As #GardenGamesIII approaches and my time on social media draws near I reflect on the tremendous fortune I have stumbled upon. I am so blessed to have received answers to the questions I have been a perennial seeker of- what is the nature of the human? What is our role and purpose here on earth, and how best can we fulfill it? Of course the answers I have received will continue to grow up into new questions, but I cannot deny the self evident nature of the truths that have been shown. I have done my best to elucidate these points in my past posts by stating certain irreducible truths about movement, nature and human experience as a whole. Points such as #movingfromthemiddle #rollingfromthehipsandshoulders #breathemoverelax #footbumpsthehandhandpullsthefoot #fullbodybreathing and #movingbreathled are important aspects I have sought to share despite ever present distractions. Today I wish to share the importance of #rooting and how it can be done with any part of the body, not just the feet, as a function of grasping. Grasping the earth and diving deep into the sensation of its gravitational field while simultaneously reaching up to the heavens. It is within this dichotomous action a person can breathe into the infinite space between that expresses polar attributes from a shared and objective core. A plant that reaches too high and may fall unto those surrounding it, but what comes from above spurs, nurtures and feeds growth from below while rooting too deeply without reaching may be in danger of losing its light of inspiration.
A post shared by Movement Based Farmer (@rootsfitness_portland) on May 9, 2020 at 1:52pm PDT
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