Training Positions of Hypermobility


Training Positions of Hypermobility

Sevinc Gurman


In our FRC session with @senaozgoren this week, we trained our hyperflexed knee in its end range together with Passive Range Holds. I joined in with her because it is definitely not fun to train your hyperextended end range, meanwhile there is so much fear surrounding it. Everywhere you go, there is a teacher that says “don’t push your joint to hyperflexion, it is dangerous, get used to keeping it straight!”. But why, you ask, there is generally no satisfying answer. ⠀ The fact is, there is still not enough researches or understanding surrounding hyperextension or hypermobility (they are seperated concepts by the way), so it is ‘every person by themselves’ type of training when it comes to what CAN BE safely done. Before I learned about FRC and how important it is to close the gap between active/passive ROM, I dislocated my elbow during a performance. It was not because I was weak, but my elbow did not have the capacity to bear the load of my WHOLE BODY WEIGHT in its fully extended range. ⠀ I had previously always micro bended my elbows while doing a flag, except that day, because I was doing body waves in a flag, my elbow was trying to stabilize my body while I was trying to make my waves bigger and more impressive (a.k.a putting more force on my elbow). *Crack!!* my elbow snapped into the wrong direction. I am hypermobile, so nothing really bad happened to tendons or ligaments (I also know how not to fall on my face tho) except I was scared shitless and traumatized. But it got me thinking, researching and questioning everything. @hunterfitness helped a lot about my questions regarding hypermobility, by asking questions and sharing his own answers with me. The thing is, there is no right answer, but someone else can use your answers as a guide to their problems. ⠀ I am not claiming that this is what every hyperextended joint/hypermobile person should do, but I urge everyone to do more research and think for themselves. I believe the value in training ALL OF MY PASSIVE RANGES now, not just the ones which are traditionally deemed “safe”. If my knee can go there, it also has to be strong there, period! #frc #frctraining @functionalrangeconditioning

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Gather round all of you who asked about strengthening the ROM in Hyperextended Elbows! The first of these excercises is actually from @cirque_physio (who will also have a live Q&A for hyperextended knees today, so go follow her and suck all the knowledge), but the rest are the ones I came up with after my elbow got dislocated. Of course I first waited until it was completely healed, before exploring how to strengthen them! ⠀ I feel the need to say, these are all my solutions to my own elbows, please listen to your own body while you try ANYTHING that anybody says and if there is any nerve or tendon pain, just stop and go to a physio!! I have more excercises with weights too but these are better to start with and build resistance ✌️. ⠀ 1⃣Use a very thick and strong band for this and attach it to a really sturdy structure. Place the band on the inside of your elbow and crawl away from the structure until you feel resistance. It is important to keep the elbow bent while crawlig away because you want the bend to be already pulling your arm while you try to extend your joint to its full rom – without pain-. After you can extend your elbow to its locked position, rotate the elbow pit forward. Do it veeeeery slowly and fight the resistance on your way back as well. Keep it slow, keep it smooth. ⠀ 2⃣Same thing, with your free arm on your back, it is much harder than it looks! ⠀ 3⃣Same position, without the band, both arms together. Slightly bend the elbows first, then go to their end range in extension – without pain-. If you feel like you can lock them, rotate the elbow pit forward while keeping the extension. This time, focus more on putting a bit of your weight. Control the movement as always and SLOOOOOW IIIIIT DOOOOWN! ⠀ 4⃣Lock your elbows in extension, try to keep the tension as it is and lift the hand off of the floor so slightly. Initiate the movement from your shoulders, not by bending your elbows. Focus on keeping your elbow in the exact position as it was on the floor. Again, harder than it looks! ⠀ 5⃣To be continued in the comments…

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