PRI: The Big Three


PRI: The Big Three

Christine Ruffolo

Postural Restoration addresses the anatomical imbalances of the body by inhibiting certain areas by position and purposefully engaging others.  A big idea is that the left side of the body is stuck in extension while the right side lingers in flexion.  The effects of each appear in patterns throughout the kinetic chain.  Posterior pelvic tilting serves as a constant, as well as keeping tension on the inhale and releasing tension on the exhale.


To shut off the extensors, we practice forward flexion:

Squeezing ball/object between knees/thighs draws tension to the midline and gets user out of common position of hip external rotation.

  1. Wall assisted forward reach.
  2. Wall assisted ball push.  Keep only hips on wall and relax shoulders/ traps.
  3. Wall assisted toe touch.  Try and curve thoracic spine up towards ceiling while reaching toward toes.
  4. Freestanding toe touch.




Many people with right knee or SI joint pain on the right also have a lateral weight shift on that side.  The right wing of the pelvis rotates back to compensate, while left wing rotates forward.


*posterior view for the anatomy folks


*anterior view for the conceptual kind



A resting stance to the right typically draws upon an underactive left core, so during the 90-90 set up of the feet to the wall, side crunch into the floor/rolled up towel.  With top, right foot just below hip level, tuck pelvis under (posteriorly tilt) and drive top knee forward to light up glue max, and lift knee to ceiling to hit glue med:

Driving through partial areas of the foot or allowing them to roll up on either edge will translate to different sensations of work, so try and drive evenly through both balls and heel.



An anteriorly shifted left pelvis needs to learn to pull back to be corrected.  The flared ilium causes the left femur to sit in external rotation.  Internal rotation and adductor squeeze seeks to counteract this position.  Make sure you squeeze the football/towel instead of just rest on it.  Whole different feeling that left me sore for days.

Second clip show an assistive method.  Squish item goes deep groin and feet are separated, using gravity/ the weight of the hand to help with internal rotation.



A huge thank you goes out to Lladro Finster of Salem, Oregon and Gina Edge of Eugene, Oregon for the insights they shared.  With some supporting nudges I hope both will come contributors here soon.

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2 Responses

  1. Christine, thank you for your careful description of PRI. I’m sure you must’ve worked hard on this and it really is relevant and interesting to me. I like your videos and your thought process.

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