Lessons from Teaching in 2019

Steph Lee As a teacher and educator, daily self reflection is crucial. Instead of making a new year resolution, I decided to review all my lesson plans of 2019 and summarise them. Transmit Insight, not Information The more you know, the smarter you are and thus the better teacher you can be? Nope. Information can […]
A New PE: Year in Review

Christine Ruffolo Being a public educator means you will never be without students. The caveat is that many won’t want to be there. Shaped by a past experience of dodgeballs to the face and timed miles and pacer tests, Physical Education was something to endure. It was a punishment for not being athletic or interested […]
A New PE: Year in Review

Being a public educator means you will never be without students. The caveat is that many won’t want to be there. Shaped by a past experience of dodgeballs to the face and timed miles and pacer tests, Physical Education was something to endure. It was a punishment for not being athletic or interested in sports. […]