Pain Exploration: Medial Knee
For about two months, I’ve had some chronic discomfort in my left knee. On a scale of 1-10, with ’10’ being agony and ‘1’ being noticeable/annoying, it oscillates between 1 and 4. Though this might be thought of as acceptable to many, I want zeroes. I spent a decade in pain playing rugby. I’m over […]
Learning Acrobatics and Developing Elasticity
Movement overlaps. Brain work = joint work = speed, power, strength, and coordination work. We have structures and we have capacities. Our practice establishes the abilities of both. There is a general consensus that if your parts work better you’ll be able to perform better and do better things. But what exactly would you DO […]
Physical Re-patterning Work
Dave Wardman I am interested in Change. Specifically I am interested in transmutation of human beings across all levels. My studies have taken me through a diverse range of fields of inquiry: firstly at university and crucible of the martial arts dojo; body work training and apprenticeship with an embodied philosopher; studies with jivamukta and […]