
The Young Teacher

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Nick Konow   This is what I believe.  It is not correct.   A young teacher insists on the work, and that anything aside from performing said work, points to a lack in prioritization. This is the practice and spirit of teaching, as the young teacher sees it. Forgive him, for he is young and […]

Doubt, Humility, & Truth


Catherine Cowey Critical Thinking in Education Lots of people have come up with amazing insights and methodologies of how we should work and treat the body that are based on good science. There are also methods out there based on complete rubbish with no reputable scientific research behind them. In either case the methods usually […]

On Finding Truths


Scott Daly   Growing up, I was a regular North American male focused on what my friends and I deemed worthy and having a good time. At 22 I was in a car accident breaking my pelvis and rupturing my bladder. This changed my life dramatically and led me to a background in rehabilitation and […]