
A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 2)


Dave Wardman   Properly understood the different classes and orders of triggering should yield a few key insights: 1) there are different classes of trigger. This means that there are different alchemical ‘works’ available to a human being – some being related to timeline issues, some unrelated to them [and thusly being ‘atemporal’, in a […]

A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 1)


Dave Wardman   The observation of ‘trending’ phenomena on social media is essentially a study of the currents of a disenchanted sea or ocean. Categories of information, imagery, art, word and online behaviour all give us detail on the anatomy of Cerberus [the allegorical beast used within Physical Alchemy to represent the subliminal, specific ‘disenchantement […]

Touch & the Absence of Touch


Jim Freda   In a world where everyone is profoundly touch deprived, touch can easily equal trauma, or invoke traumatic memories.  It is unexpected and can be manipulative because we are not connected to one another. When I attended the 18th meeting of United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP), I found that they understood […]

Trauma Sensitive Language & Allowance


Nicki Miller     View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links)   A friendly reminder that trauma-sensitivity is a real thing and makes a difference in how people show up in their bodies. The same nervous system that is holding on to trauma is the same one responsible […]

Distributed Networks


Dare Sohei   Praxis, Dreaming Praxis – Distributed Networks & “The ODDI Approach” to wellbeing, trauma and creativity Hello & Blessings, I’m Dare and my website is I’ll cut to the chase and then expand. 5-10 minutes daily (i.e. consistently & frequently) actually works better than 1 hour once a week. Nibbling is better […]

Chronic Fatigue and Pain


Dare Sohei   Hello & Blessings I wanted to start a newer series of posts that laid out some general maps/approaches in easy language, around some of the common intertwined topics in trauma healing, animism and creativity. Some of this is just for the sake of expediency, as I spend a lot of my time […]

Musings from a Transforming Being

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Dare Sohei   MUSIC IS BLOOD Ritual is a creative process of attunement through which we can co-regulate our nervous systems with the more-than-human world. Largely, i feel the interpersonal neurobiology lens is crafted out of the white (supremacy) lens, even as it helpfully focuses us towards our mammalian and evolutionary biology… it still myopically […]