Sensuality vs. Sexuality
Gökçe S. Hall Authenticity, has always been my strongest sense. Whether it is about my own intentions, life style, movement or any other art. Because I am so connected to this in me, I can sense it on others too. I can smell authenticity or lack there of, a mile away, from the way […]
Musings from a Transformed Being
Dare Sohei Healing doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel less pain, or have less pain. It may, but it may also mean that the pain that’s there/here won’t take up all your attention, won’t distract you from what you CAN do, what else you can feel, what else is possible. Healing is a long game. […]
Sexuality as a Physical Practice
Ramon Castellanos Sexuality is a rather broad topic, with many historical outlets that differ in perspective, and it is perhaps one of the most loaded topics in the whole of humanity. This article will be less of a how-to in any fashion, and will simply be a broad look at how sex, its maturity and overall […]