seth dellinger

Embracing Discomfort


Seth Dellinger   “When you realize that suffering and discomfort are the call to inquiry, you may actually begin to look forward to uncomfortable feelings” – Byron Katie   When I was a child, perhaps five or eight years old, I realized that some letters in the alphabet were ‘girls’ and some letters were ‘boys.’ […]

Functional Integration (Passive Feldenkrais)


Seth Dellinger   When you visit a Feldenkrais practitioner for an individual hands-on session, that’s called Functional Integration. Why?! So I’ve heard, Moshe Feldenkrais was aware that Ida Rolf called her individual work with clients “structural” integration. But he was not trying to change his student’s structure. Instead, in part to distinguish his work from Rolfing, […]

An Attentive Walk & Talk


Christine Ruffolo   In an unassuming day in July 2022, I attended a workshop entitled “The Musicality of Being” in Washington DC.  It was lead by Seth Dellinger, a Feldenkrais practitioner with a story so wild I’m not going to touch upon it here.  That is for him to discuss.  We met at a picnic […]

Meditation, Feldenkrais, & the Beginner’s Mind


Seth Dellinger   The benefits of meditation include: better brain functioning and attention span stress reduction and sounder sleep improved functioning of metabolic and immune systems more emotional control and optimism increased sense of social and environmental connection “That’s great,” you might say, “but I find meditation very difficult.” And if I asked you why […]

“Sensemaking” & the Senses


Seth Dellinger   “NOW it all makes sense!” Hear those words in your head and yes, perhaps you are in the midst of a life-changing insight. But it’s also possible that you just opened the door to a dangerous delusion with significant consequences for your way of being in the world. Both mental moves involve similar […]

The Musicality of Being


Seth Dellinger   Space, ground, breath & sound Resonance Musicality   Is there a formula for feeling connected – to yourself, to other people, and your world? No, not exactly. But there are certain signals that show up consistently in your experience that you can learn to recognize and put to wise use within all the wide variety of […]