
Students & the System


Christine Ruffolo   Amongst other things, COVID-19 revealed how fragile the American educational system is, and how unadaptable it is to changing and evolving times.  Designed to churn out compliant workers, it conflicts with the world around them — a burgeoning economy of self employment (one marked by passion, creativity, and innovation), as well as […]

Rethinking ‘Broad’ & ‘Balanced’ in PE


Alex Sporticus   I dislike the guiding principles of ‘broad‘ and ‘balanced‘ when it comes to thinking about the PE curriculum and the selection of activities and sports within it. They are vague, they don’t help the design process and they don’t really apply to an individual subject but to a school curriculum (for a […]

What Compels You to ‘Do’?

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Christine Ruffolo   The idea for this post first came in the summer of 2021, down time for most teachers here in the States.  When you have a secured income (our salary is split evenly between the twelve months), and are given the gift of time and freedom of what to do with that time, […]