Re-Defining Resilience
Amelia Chan Resilience is often described as a kind fortitude and teeth-gritting willpower that pushes one to do something they do not want to do, “for their own good”. When I see kids being persistent in solving a problem on their own accord in their lessons, not wanting to stop even when I suggest […]
To Twist or Not To Twist
Christine Ruffolo Torsion. We all have it: a particular line of twist running through our carriage, gripping us in a certain way and keeping us upright. Each fold and joint tells its story, whether you realize it or not. It’s how we steady the load ourselves and any thing we attach to. It’s why […]
Cartoontra (Deathclown Rules #3)
Dare Carrasquillo Tantra: The Sanskrit word ‘Tantra’ derives from the verbal root tan, meaning ‘to weave’, or ‘compose’, and refers to a type of instructional text, often written as a dialogue between a god and a goddess1. According to Padoux, the verbal root Tan means: “to extend”, “to spread”, “to spin out”, “weave”, “display”, […]
Theater of Precarity (Deathclown Rules #2)
Dare Carrasquillo [Part 1] Precarity (also precariousness) is a precarious existence, lacking in predictability, job security, material or psychological welfare. The social class defined by this condition has been termed the precariat. –from Theater of Precarity is a theatrical application of death practice. Death practice means many things to many people and cultures, but I spent 8 months in 2022-2023 explaining […]
Current to Desired
Christian Paev Recognizing the current state is the first step to changing it. What I try to improve through my work – you can learn in this short text. The immobilized body Have you seen what a leg looks like when it stops bearing weight for just 2 weeks due to surgery? Or what […]
Structures, Symbols, and Sensory Junctions
Jim Freda The Deep core body plan can also be called a graphic, a map, lens, or schematic. The symbolic content is very minimal so how it is interpreted is an important part of it’s value. I like the word plan because it indicates intention, design, cooperation, and complexity. To call it a map […]
Roundtable #15 – Defining Success in the Fitness Industry
What does success look like in the business of bodies? Is it tied to money? Or freedom? Or number of students or followers? How does this perception of success tie into your life? What effects does your work have on your own body? Simple. Succes is health. Social, emotional, and physical health. The health […]
Fixing those Half-Pullups
Jeremy Fein View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jeremy Fein (@jeremyfein) Jeremy can be found at or He currently provides the service of one-on-one online coaching. Folks can check it out here, grab free resources, or book a free call to learn more.
Defining Genius
Amelia Chan At work we’ll be playing with someone who is apparently sometimes described as a genius – a discussion about what makes one ensued – which compelled me to put down some thoughts. Genius being un-ordinary, it’d be arrogant of me to try to slap on a definition from my vantage point. This […]
A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 2)
Dave Wardman Properly understood the different classes and orders of triggering should yield a few key insights: 1) there are different classes of trigger. This means that there are different alchemical ‘works’ available to a human being – some being related to timeline issues, some unrelated to them [and thusly being ‘atemporal’, in a […]
A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 1)
Dave Wardman The observation of ‘trending’ phenomena on social media is essentially a study of the currents of a disenchanted sea or ocean. Categories of information, imagery, art, word and online behaviour all give us detail on the anatomy of Cerberus [the allegorical beast used within Physical Alchemy to represent the subliminal, specific ‘disenchantement […]
The Problem with Language
Craig Mallett We (modern) humans have a great tendency to want to categorize things to make sense of them, and I dare say it’s linked directly to our allergy of the mysterious and unknown. Every week I run into the inevitable “so what do you do” question, and as I start my attempt […]
Body Cartography
Dave Wardman [Feature Photo by Mikhail Nilov via Pexels.]
Daily Practice Creates Friction
Ramon Castellanos Long term practice carves pathways in the being that previously did not exist. This is not always comfortable. This is not about chasing discomfort, or making yourself uncomfortable on purpose. Any practice (and the act of practice itself), done with heart and integrity will eventually cause friction. Heat. Cooking. Flames. Death. Rebirth. […]
The Work
Dare Carrasquillo insects stir 3/1/23 it takes a lot of concentration, dedication to become clear in a culture designed for confusion designed for ignorance the work, as they say, in all caps with a hint of righteous pride THE WORK is not constantly explaining things to ignorantly confused people becoming famous for […]
Everything’s Filtered
Chris Davis “The light in me” seems to be a mess of pixels. EVERYTHING’s filtered. I was listening to someone complain about how SO much of life is online these days. I agreed and disagreed. Then it was something about how much is lost over Zoom — nonverbal cues, body language, unconscious behaviors […]
Voice Parallels Movement
Nadia Genois When I was little I loved being told stories, hearing the voice of loved ones rock me and fall asleep. As an adult, this happens to us too infrequently. There is certainly the music, words, images, cinema of others, but they are distant, unknown. And yet… Yet, sometimes we receive them, […]
Reframing Functional Movement
Nicki Miller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links) Feature Photo by Helena Lopes via pexels.
Thinking with the Body
Chandler Stevens It only took us 400 years, but we’re finally remembering that the body is the foundation of our cognitive function, meaning that our mental health and performance is developed from the bottom up. Perhaps more significant: the way that you carry yourself (that is, what you do with the body – how […]
The Young Teacher
Nick Konow This is what I believe. It is not correct. A young teacher insists on the work, and that anything aside from performing said work, points to a lack in prioritization. This is the practice and spirit of teaching, as the young teacher sees it. Forgive him, for he is young and […]