Movement Alienation
Jason Round THE WHAT: The concept of ‘Movement alienation’ encourages us to take a step back & consider how & what we engage with in terms of our physical practice. It also proposes that we can be more connected with & aware of how we are moving at any time – to truly experience […]
What is the Function of a Movement Practice?
Jason Round [Feature Photo by tiagojoaoreis on Unsplash]
Building a Multidirectional Perspective
Ramon Castellanos Go Forth and Prosper “Go forth” is a daily devotion we all pay allegiance to, just by the virtue of being human, even if we are unaware of doing so. For the nature of each human life is to orientate forward, and face that which is in front of us. The forces of nature and deep […]
Forgive My Ineptitude
Christian Paev Writing about the Movement is paradoxical. It seems doomed from the start because it cannot be adequately described. Even a bad experience is better than none, and even the best experience won’t be able to encapsulate everything I want to express. To begin with an apology for the limitedness of the text seems right. […]
Imagination & the Movement Experience
Nicki Miller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links)
Levers & Movement
Jenn Pilotti How do your joints collaborate to produce movement? Any movement? When I reach down, unscrew the lid off my water bottle, bring the water bottle to my lips and drink, there are an infinite number of ways I could do this (the degrees of freedom problem, for those of you who like […]
Medicating with Movement
Jenn Pilotti I am having one of those weeks, a week where a lot of the people around me are upset, or anxious, or depressed. A week where there is a sense of heaviness encompassing the people I interact with regularly, which makes me feel like I am being held down under a thick, […]
Pokes & Provokes
Sevinc Gurmen A Series of Philosophical Posts. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sevinç Joy G. (@joy_g_wild) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sevinç Joy G. (@joy_g_wild) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sevinç Joy G. […]
Inarticulate vs. Articulate Movement
Jason Round Definition [Movement] is a fluid term which involves an interplay between both involuntary/inarticulate and voluntary/articulate movement. The first step of any critical interrogation is definition. This is necessary so that readers can understand what is meant by the term ‘movement’ when it is used throughout any previous and consequent criticisms and theorisations whilst outlining the field for […]
Feel More Capable
Jenn Pilotti In our quest for the mind body connection, we have moved further away from it. We focus on perfect alignment, experiencing full expansion, pushing to be more: more flexible, more fit, more strong. But what if establishing a mind body connection actually came from thinking less and feeling more? What if […]
Why Movement?
Jenn Pilotti I was chatting with a colleague recently, who asked me why I choose to associate myself with the word “movement.” It’s all over my website—I identify as a movement practitioner and educator, I provide education for movement professionals, and if one were to ask what type of physical practice I have I […]