The Beginner’s Mind
Craig Mallett Following on from the previous post, I wanted to talk this month about a concept that often gets referred to as beginner’s mind. It’s a simple idea, a way of looking at things as if we were a beginner or a child, seeing them full of wonder and possibility rather than writing […]
Sensory Calm Creation
Catherine Cowey I walked along the narrow beach, the sand softened under my feet. Nearly twenty million years ago this spot on the eastern shore was mostly underwater, home to a whole host of mythical sea creatures including a bounty of sharks of all shapes and sizes. Sharks happen to slough off teeth like […]
Training the Mind & Meditation
Craig Mallett Chris contacted me recently to see if I wanted to share anything on this page from my new book, Dancing Between the Opposites: A Daoist Guide to Balance and Self-Cultivation, in celebration of its recent release. With Covid forcing many people to stay inside and spend a lot of time with themselves, […]