Rehab Order of Operations
Nicki Miller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Movement Missing Links (@movement.missing.links)
Why Muscle Imbalances Happen (and What You Can Do About Them)
Tom Morrison When you have knowledge of training, the body, how to deal with flexibility limitations, injuries (past or present) and muscular differences, you can fall into the trap of having “too much information”… and pretty much over complicate everything, making you think you are “dysfunctional” in multiple ways – which is rarely the […]
P.E.A.C.E Instead of R.I.C.E for Injury
Jeremy Fein Last Friday, I hurt my knee. I’ll get into the details down below, but let’s start with the actionable stuff. P.E.A.C.E. AND L.O.V.E. Have you heard of “RICE” after getting hurt? As it turns out, not all of it is based in the research we have. A more modern, although still less […]
A Conversation Between New Friends
Seth Dellinger Getting to know: connection as conversation.
Becoming the Wolverine (Shoulder Rehab)
Jason Round Please note: this is an article for general shoulder health and pre/rehabilitation. It’s important to diagnose your shoulder problem first, and assistance from an expert is often the best way to go. With sensitive overuse/imbalance injuries, such as impingement where inflammation is high, some exercises could cause more irritation and make things worse. […]
A Practical Exploration of Pain and Healing
Jenn Pilotti I was doing Russian dancers recently, a move I have always struggled with (for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Russian dancer is a one armed backbend that dynamically switches to the other arm by shifting your weight forward to your feet). I learned that if […]
Injury, Fatigue, & Fast Twitch Fibers
Brian Fox View this post on Instagram 🦵🏼Research has shown that when a tissue or tissues get injured, the slow twitch (ST) muscle fibers decrease in the affected tissue and surrounding area(s) , thus leaving behind mostly fast twitch muscle fibers (FT). . 🦵🏼This is valuable information when in treatment, since ST […]
Self Assessment & Examining Injuries
Sam Faulhaber