
Theater of Precarity (Deathclown Rules #2)


Dare Carrasquillo   [Part 1]   Precarity (also precariousness) is a precarious existence, lacking in predictability, job security, material or psychological welfare. The social class defined by this condition has been termed the precariat. –from   Theater of Precarity is a theatrical application of death practice. Death practice means many things to many people and cultures, but I spent 8 months in 2022-2023 explaining […]

A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 2)


Dave Wardman   Properly understood the different classes and orders of triggering should yield a few key insights: 1) there are different classes of trigger. This means that there are different alchemical ‘works’ available to a human being – some being related to timeline issues, some unrelated to them [and thusly being ‘atemporal’, in a […]

A Taxonomy of Triggers (Part 1)


Dave Wardman   The observation of ‘trending’ phenomena on social media is essentially a study of the currents of a disenchanted sea or ocean. Categories of information, imagery, art, word and online behaviour all give us detail on the anatomy of Cerberus [the allegorical beast used within Physical Alchemy to represent the subliminal, specific ‘disenchantement […]