
The Pink Cloud Effect (Deathclown Rules #1)


Dare Carrasquillo   Any seriously disorganized system or subsystem will improve if sufficient stimulus is applied to it. This does not mean that the stimulus is good, true or sane, just that the disorganized system responds positively in some regard to almost anything. This is why and how bad, corrupt and untrue things can appear […]

Touch & the Absence of Touch


Jim Freda   In a world where everyone is profoundly touch deprived, touch can easily equal trauma, or invoke traumatic memories.  It is unexpected and can be manipulative because we are not connected to one another. When I attended the 18th meeting of United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP), I found that they understood […]

Problem Solving: Roots or Environment?

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Samantha Faulhaber   It seems to me that there are at least two most effective, general routes towards healing people in productive ways. The first, or the first I’ll speak to, not necessarily the first in some sort of heirarchy, is digging for root causes. The idea that rather than treating symptoms you’re better off […]

A Practical Exploration of Pain and Healing

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Jenn Pilotti   I was doing Russian dancers recently, a move I have always struggled with (for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Russian dancer is a one armed backbend that dynamically switches to the other arm by shifting your weight forward to your feet). I learned that if […]

Musings from a Transformed Being

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Dare Sohei   Healing doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel less pain, or have less pain. It may, but it may also mean that the pain that’s there/here won’t take up all your attention, won’t distract you from what you CAN do, what else you can feel, what else is possible. Healing is a long game. […]

Examining Healing


Jim Freda QUESTIONS & OBSERVATIONS   We are trying to understand pain as “biopsychosocial.” What does this mean for how we define the body and the mind?   When we consider social factors of disease, health, and healing, what do we mean by social? Is society something local and unique that we create or is […]