Full Spinal Follow Along
Samantha Faulhaber
Pso Cool: Psoas Release
Chandler Stevens
Phaon Phat An older example, “Training at Growtowski’s Laboratorium (1972)” can be found here.
Exploring Rotation & (Dis)Association
Samantha Faulhaber Part 1/2: me. Guard passing warmup drills today. @elevate_mma A post shared by Samantha Faulhaber (@samanthafaulhaber) on Feb 28, 2018 at 6:12pm PST Part 2/2: them ??? thanks @elevate_mma @asophia108 @lilbruisie @leilanimattson for all understanding how hip isolation is serious and a little fun. A post shared by Samantha Faulhaber (@samanthafaulhaber) […]
Christian Paev
Pain Exploration: Medial Knee
For about two months, I’ve had some chronic discomfort in my left knee. On a scale of 1-10, with ’10’ being agony and ‘1’ being noticeable/annoying, it oscillates between 1 and 4. Though this might be thought of as acceptable to many, I want zeroes. I spent a decade in pain playing rugby. I’m over […]