
Co-Lab 2024: Allowance & Adaptation

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Chris Ruffolo   The original purpose of this group was to find others like me.  Teachers who were also learners, building an online library of courses they had taken and perspectives of value they were willing to give away.  The goal was to share information, granting access to anyone with an internet connection.   What I […]

Voice Parallels Movement

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Nadia Genois   When I was little I loved being told stories, hearing the voice of loved ones rock me and fall asleep. As an adult, this happens to us too infrequently. There is certainly the music, words, images, cinema of others, but they are distant, unknown. And yet…   Yet, sometimes we receive them, […]

Terrestial Nostos


Dave Wardman   * ‘nostos’ is a Greek term connected to the Odyssey that means ‘homecoming’/’returning home via sea after long adventures’ but that carries with it an idea of spiritual homecoming.. perhaps even coming back to the beginning on a different level that when one left.   [*] terrestrial nostos After terrestrial nostos [νόστος]* I […]