Cartoontra (Deathclown Rules #3)
Dare Carrasquillo Tantra: The Sanskrit word ‘Tantra’ derives from the verbal root tan, meaning ‘to weave’, or ‘compose’, and refers to a type of instructional text, often written as a dialogue between a god and a goddess1. According to Padoux, the verbal root Tan means: “to extend”, “to spread”, “to spin out”, “weave”, “display”, […]
The Young Teacher
Nick Konow This is what I believe. It is not correct. A young teacher insists on the work, and that anything aside from performing said work, points to a lack in prioritization. This is the practice and spirit of teaching, as the young teacher sees it. Forgive him, for he is young and […]
Meeting Oneself
Nadia Genois I have always loved dancing. I remember when I was little, going to see The Nutcracker with my father. Imagination fertile, body touched, I came back announcing that I wanted to be a rat in The Nutcracker. Note the rat here, we will come back to it. Maybe. It took several years […]
A Practical Exploration of Pain and Healing
Jenn Pilotti I was doing Russian dancers recently, a move I have always struggled with (for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Russian dancer is a one armed backbend that dynamically switches to the other arm by shifting your weight forward to your feet). I learned that if […]
Feel More Capable
Jenn Pilotti In our quest for the mind body connection, we have moved further away from it. We focus on perfect alignment, experiencing full expansion, pushing to be more: more flexible, more fit, more strong. But what if establishing a mind body connection actually came from thinking less and feeling more? What if […]
Addiction & Having Enough
Christian Paev ”Such answers illuminate that the addiction is neither a choice nor a disease, but originates in a human being’s desperate attempt to solve a problem: the problem of emotional pain, of overwhelming stress, of lost connection, of loss of control, of a deep discomfort with the self. In short, it is a […]
Breathing: The Interface Between Thoughts & Emotions
Fanny Tulloch If you had an effective tool, which you could use to centre yourself, stay present and keep attention on the important things in life whenever stress and overwhelm hits, would that be helpful for you? In this article I’m going to take you on a journey starting with how I discovered that […]
Affective Movement
Alex Sporticus The art of teaching, at its very core, is constant decision making and problem-solving in a dynamic environment to assist the individual or the collective to flourish. As a secondary school teacher of PE I believe I am faced with two key puzzles to solve. The first key puzzle is how can […]
Emotion and Self-Expression
Christian Paev From a young age, most of us (hopefully) engage in some type of physical practice. Then it changes. When we are kids, it comes naturally, easy and meaningful despite the obvious lack of ability to explain what we’re doing. We’re basically just playing, exploring, being – who cares about developing qualities, exercising, winning, […]