Finding Ease Through Connection
Craig Mallett Connecting the arms to the torso through the shoulder is not a simple matter of strengthening or mobilizing the shoulder, although both are involved to some degree. A connected shoulder is one that allows free passage of force. This force could be as simple as the weight of the arms themselves being […]
Effortlessness & Interruption
Nick Konow View this post on Instagram A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@worldmvmnt)
Levers & Movement
Jenn Pilotti How do your joints collaborate to produce movement? Any movement? When I reach down, unscrew the lid off my water bottle, bring the water bottle to my lips and drink, there are an infinite number of ways I could do this (the degrees of freedom problem, for those of you who like […]
Life & Leverage
Chandler Stevens The body has a harmony of its own. Think for a moment that what you know and live through day after day is the emergent result of the intricate workings on trillions of cells. These cells don’t have a central command. A series of local interactions and vast communication networks allow you […]
Nadia Genois View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nadia Genois (@nadiagenois)
Hard Work vs. High Performance
Chandler Stevens What’s the difference between those individuals who wear themselves down with long hours, battling against fatigue and lack of focus, making little headway on their goals… And those who seem to effortlessly perform at a high level, accomplishing far more in a week than most do in a month, with plenty left […]