The Bad & The Best

Alex Sporticus A couple of weeks ago, Edutopia published an article entitled 5 Fun Gym Games to Get Kids Moving. I found the subsequent commentary on the article, mainly via Twitter, absolutely fascinating. Whilst I could understand many of the points made from a range of perspectives, the conversations around the article made me consider how I’ve changed my thinking […]
Students & the System

Christine Ruffolo Amongst other things, COVID-19 revealed how fragile the American educational system is, and how unadaptable it is to changing and evolving times. Designed to churn out compliant workers, it conflicts with the world around them — a burgeoning economy of self employment (one marked by passion, creativity, and innovation), as well as […]
The Dissonant Whispers

Dave Wardman [*] the dissonant whispers This triangle [in link above until I can figure out how to resize it for Dreamwidth] is of course the inner triadic nucleus of an enneagram concerning the life-cycle of the Physical Alchemy Facebook group.* Dissonance is the 3-point. Education the 6-point. Inspiration the 9-point. I am telling you […]
General Preparatory Studies

Dave Wardman I had three quotes in mind for this piece but have only found two of them. Not to matter, as this will be a topic that I will return to a number of times and add depth to. It is something I have an ongoing curiosity with. The basic premise is something along […]