Structures, Symbols, and Sensory Junctions
Jim Freda The Deep core body plan can also be called a graphic, a map, lens, or schematic. The symbolic content is very minimal so how it is interpreted is an important part of it’s value. I like the word plan because it indicates intention, design, cooperation, and complexity. To call it a map […]
Interoception & Integration
Jim Freda “The heart of healing lies in our ability to listen, to see, to perceive, more than in our application of technique.” (Myers 2020). “In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first […]
The Power We Seek
Jim Freda Here, amidst the US Coronavirus crisis, being led by this very particular administration, we are watching the breakdown of civility and our social contract. Our job then is to assume our own role of peaceful leadership, recreating social safety for all. It starts with us. It requires wisdom, and ability to stand both strong […]