How Smart People Get Fooled By Dummies
Chandler Stevens You may be familiar with the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s a cognitive bias, in which people with lower ability tend to overestimate themselves, whereas people with higher ability tend to underestimate themselves – at least until true mastery is developed. As people begin to develop their skills or knowledge in a particular domain, […]
Stage Fright & the Nervous System (Part 2)
Amelia Chan [Part One] I cannot even tell you how often students come to me asking for a lesson right before an audition or a performance. Or this: I’ll contact you for a lesson when I’ve practiced and “learned” my piece/program. It is such a classical music world thing where all our lives, […]
Stage Fright & the Nervous System (Part 1)
Amelia Chan Just a few thoughts on this huge topic. When it comes to stage fright, first of all I’d like to point out that what I personally find to be a key missing element from most discussions is the WHAT it is. All the following are valid elements in the cause of stage […]
Risky Play
Gokce S Hall (Sevinc Gökçe) Risky games and discoveries called Risky Play are important in terms of understanding and judgment of the child’s body capacity and what is really dangerous. Plus of course he develops fine motor skills and self confidence. . There are a few things you can do as a parent: stand […]
“I Just Need One Person!”
Andre Miller
Me & Mine
Nick Konow View this post on Instagram I am the best dancer I know. ??That’s not fair nor accurate. I am my favorite dancer. ??That’s better. Like this dance for instance. In the video above. You probably won’t watch the whole thing. You don’t watch the whole thing when I share a […]
Movement Confidence
Nick Konow S E L F G U I D E D E X P E R I M E N T A T I O N. // A Curiosity of Spirit, an Openness to a process, a willingness to give over to it and the audacity to also question it. The primary […]