Pieces to a Whole: Back Flip

Jereme Sanders Regaining a lost skill: Feature Photo by Joe Pizzio on Unsplash.
Daily Practice Creates Friction

Ramon Castellanos Long term practice carves pathways in the being that previously did not exist. This is not always comfortable. This is not about chasing discomfort, or making yourself uncomfortable on purpose. Any practice (and the act of practice itself), done with heart and integrity will eventually cause friction. Heat. Cooking. Flames. Death. Rebirth. […]
What Are You Adapting To?

Scott Daly Human beings have become the most dominant species on the planet. No other organism encompasses so much of the earth. Yet, we are far from the fastest, strongest or largest in the animal kingdom. What made this possible? I believe human beings are the most adaptable creatures on earth, allowing us to […]
Creating Space

Jenn Pilotti August came at me with a vengeance. My client load was full, my mostly organized life was being met with the potential for a big change, and every single project I had either organized or said yes to were all due within a two week span. While I (miraculously) managed to get […]