Shifting Habits with “Decision Hygiene”

Chandler Stevens Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about habits. When most people hear the word, they conjure up an image of a checklist. They imagine some list of actions they ought to take on any given day in order to be living their #bestlife. And yet a habit, broadly speaking, is simply […]
You Decide What’s Optimal

Tasha Louie View this post on Instagram A post shared by T A S H A (@tasha.louie) View this post on Instagram A post shared by T A S H A (@tasha.louie) In case you missed this in the comments of post #2:
Thoughts on Retirement (from a Retiree)

Dave Pelletier As an athletic individual, communicating to other athletic individuals, this will hopefully come as a mentor template of sorts. Retirement by definition is the action of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.” It sounds so straightforward in theory, but in application it can be rather circuitous. Because what one does with […]
Creating Space

Jenn Pilotti August came at me with a vengeance. My client load was full, my mostly organized life was being met with the potential for a big change, and every single project I had either organized or said yes to were all due within a two week span. While I (miraculously) managed to get […]