Feet, Misconceptions, & Rotation
Adarian Barr Jenn Pilotti Alternative Title, “Misfeets” Catch Jenn, Adarian, Chris Ruffolo, Dawn Ross, and Matt Hank in Las Vegas, January 17 – 18, 2025. Feature Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash.
Guest Post #9 – the MTP Joint
Dawn Ross I taught two classes in my online movement studio last week: yoga-based and strength-based. In both classes, the focus was the MTP joint—where it is, how to get on it, and how to move from it. When participants who aren’t typically into impact-based movements start jumping because that’s what it feels like […]
Q Angles, Pelvic Floor, & Running
Jenn Pilotti Adarian Barr A follow along that reveals how ‘on back’ training rarely converts to ‘on feet’ training.
Preventing Pelvic Floor Leakages (It Ain’t Kegels)
Christine Ruffolo My previous post got into the shame and embarrassment that prevents many of us from addressing issues with parts connected to sex or excrement. This one is more objective, looking at anatomy and physics. When you seek to understand the why, you must take a deeper look at what is. The steps […]
Tracking the Knees through the S-Angle
Jenn Pilotti Confession: last time when I discussed Q-angles I went kind of rogue and talked about it from the perspective of dynamic Q-angles, a term I stumbled upon, I liked and I embraced This wasn’t wrong, just incomplete, so I am back for part II. When Adarian and I talked about it […]
Tweaking Kettlebell Swings for Running
Jenn Pilotti Adarian Barr The book Jenn and Adarian co-authored and assists in understanding these concepts can be found here.
Up Leg, Down Leg
Christine Ruffolo Part 1. Pairs. Roles. Asymmetry. The body knows and the body has ways. Understanding the differences between the halves helps you appreciate them. One side isn’t ‘good’. The other isn’t ‘bad’. They hold a function within the system. Here’s a big picture view that shows how to distinguish up leg and down […]
Cheat Codes with Adarian Barr
Adarian Barr Christine Ruffolo Part One: Biarticulate Muscles & Rotations iFrame is not supported! Part Two: Q & A from instagram live: yaw, starts, toe drag, scrumming, hips, & more. iFrame is not supported! If you are interested in learning more about these concepts and contexts, Adarian wrote a book with Jenn […]
Levers & Movement
Jenn Pilotti How do your joints collaborate to produce movement? Any movement? When I reach down, unscrew the lid off my water bottle, bring the water bottle to my lips and drink, there are an infinite number of ways I could do this (the degrees of freedom problem, for those of you who like […]
When Performance meets Awareness
Jenn Pilotti & Adarian Barr *Weekly conversations between these two can be found at Women Running Cafe.
The Transverse Arch
Christine Ruffolo Everything I know about the transverse arch, I owe to Adarian Barr. The following is my attempt to take his words and concepts and relate them to my own body and understanding. It is, in effect, my translation. The layers and spirals in which I learn and interpret are laid out here […]