Nick Konow
S E L F G U I D E D E X P E R I M E N T A T I O N. // A Curiosity of Spirit, an Openness to a process, a willingness to give over to it and the audacity to also question it. The primary objective of self-guided experimentation is to find one’s own way through a thing, whatever that thing might be. The thing is irrelevant. This is the first practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE. #graceinmvnt A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 16, 2017 at 1:49pm PST
S E L F G U I D E D E X P E R I M E N T A T I O N. // A Curiosity of Spirit, an Openness to a process, a willingness to give over to it and the audacity to also question it. The primary objective of self-guided experimentation is to find one’s own way through a thing, whatever that thing might be. The thing is irrelevant. This is the first practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE. #graceinmvnt
A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 16, 2017 at 1:49pm PST
C O M P O S I T I O N. // Learning will only get us so far. At a certain point we must lead, create, be of service to our principles of moving. The practice of COMPOSITION, presumes that we have opened ourselves, posed the questions, practiced our experiments, and are now keen on laying our claim on the work of our body/mind/spirit. It is focused, improvised, shaped, ethereal. Its duration is whatever you choose, but careful – it began as soon as you put your mind onto it and so you are responsible for its middle and its end. Composition seeks your unwavering accountability. Composition allows no room for error, and no room for a self-pitying WRONG. It is the 2nd practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE. #graceinmvmnt A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 17, 2017 at 2:20pm PST
C O M P O S I T I O N. // Learning will only get us so far. At a certain point we must lead, create, be of service to our principles of moving. The practice of COMPOSITION, presumes that we have opened ourselves, posed the questions, practiced our experiments, and are now keen on laying our claim on the work of our body/mind/spirit. It is focused, improvised, shaped, ethereal. Its duration is whatever you choose, but careful – it began as soon as you put your mind onto it and so you are responsible for its middle and its end. Composition seeks your unwavering accountability. Composition allows no room for error, and no room for a self-pitying WRONG. It is the 2nd practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE. #graceinmvmnt
A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 17, 2017 at 2:20pm PST
C O N T A C T. // This moment, captured at this past summer’s STILL MOVEMENT Retreat in Lygra, serves as a gorgeous representation of the third practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE, Contact. Essentially, human connection, Contact is an awareness of and a responsiveness to the spatial relationship between ourselves and others. Contact can never be taken for granted, but must always be tuned into and taken care of. When it does bring us into physical touch, we experience the personal sensation of the wholly present moment, while also being presented with that which we communicate, teach and express to another. Ultimately, a physical manifestation of giving and receiving, an Empathic Moving Study. #stillmovement #movementconfidence A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 27, 2017 at 1:53pm PST
C O N T A C T. // This moment, captured at this past summer’s STILL MOVEMENT Retreat in Lygra, serves as a gorgeous representation of the third practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE, Contact. Essentially, human connection, Contact is an awareness of and a responsiveness to the spatial relationship between ourselves and others. Contact can never be taken for granted, but must always be tuned into and taken care of. When it does bring us into physical touch, we experience the personal sensation of the wholly present moment, while also being presented with that which we communicate, teach and express to another. Ultimately, a physical manifestation of giving and receiving, an Empathic Moving Study. #stillmovement #movementconfidence
A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 27, 2017 at 1:53pm PST
F R E E D O M E V E R Y W H E R E. // Freedom is not contextual. It is not a special place, an inebriated state. It is a sober, decisive, reality. Behold it! In the 4th practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE, our movement reshapes the lens on how we view and approach our private and our public well-being. In this final phase, we challenge assumptions on the where and the what and the why of our moving existence. We don’t tear down any walls. We climb them, gladly. #graceinmvmnt #movementconfidence A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 28, 2017 at 2:27pm PST
F R E E D O M E V E R Y W H E R E. // Freedom is not contextual. It is not a special place, an inebriated state. It is a sober, decisive, reality. Behold it! In the 4th practice of MOVEMENT CONFIDENCE, our movement reshapes the lens on how we view and approach our private and our public well-being. In this final phase, we challenge assumptions on the where and the what and the why of our moving existence. We don’t tear down any walls. We climb them, gladly. #graceinmvmnt #movementconfidence
A post shared by N I C K K O N O W (@graceinmvmnt) on Nov 28, 2017 at 2:27pm PST
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